November 2019
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Welcome to November eNews!

Check out how to wow your clients and win bids using 3D or virtual reality presentations.  And… if you’re not already using our ShakeoutPro® jobsite staging app, read the article below to learn how this valuable tool can save you time on the jobsite. We’re also pleased to keep you up-to-date and informed with a Public Affairs article and an Energy Update.

Public Affairs Update 


Nucor and other U.S. steelmakers continue to urge the Administration to maintain a comprehensive 232 remedy and not grant further exemptions that could undermine the effectiveness of the Section 232 program.

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High Performance Roll-up Doors in COMcheck


This month’s Energy Codes article focuses on how choosing roll-up doors with increased thermal performance can allow for a less cumbersome insulation system or reduce the thickness of insulation required to meet the energy code.

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Have you tried the ShakeoutPro® Jobsite Staging App?


The ShakeoutPro app can save you time, money, and effort. It’s an innovative staging and shakeout app that uses a 3D model to illustrate the parts of a building and where they belong on the jobsite. If you haven’t tried this use of technology, you’re missing out.

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Win bids with Virtual Reality and Rendering Technology


We offer a variety of dynamic 3D presentation tools that can transform your building ideas into real-world experience. From SketchUp and Google Cardboard, to HoloLens and Oculus Rift, we can help wow your future customers.

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