Shadelands Sports Mall
Indoor Soccer Field & Sports Training Center
The Shadelands Sports Mall is a cutting edge sports training super center in Walnut Creek, CA. It gathers 10 high-caliber sports programs in a centrally located facility, offering state-of-the-art equipment and training methods, and convenience for busy athletes and their families.
The space is an adaptive re-use project transforming a former newspaper publishing facility into the elite indoor sports training facility. Shadelands includes two pre-engineered metal buildings - one a 25,000 sf building with an indoor soccer field for COPA soccer and another 21,000 sf building housing the Encore Gymnastics Center. The gymnastics center also includes 6,700 sf of mezzanine.
- Location: Walnut Creek, CA
- Size: 52,700 sf
- Roof System: SS-24 Standing Seam
- End Use: Sports Training Center
CBC Builder: Huff Metal Buildings, Inc.